TechTalk #9 – Halloween Special Edition: IT Horror Stories
TechTalk’s mission is to help close the STEM skill shortage gap. We do this through variety of activities including planning tech-focused events with multiple speakers followed by networking.
About this event:
TechTalk New Zealand is proud to present the 9th TechTalk event in collaboration with AUT.
The theme: Halloween Special Edition: IT Horror Stories.
- Soheil Bakhshi and Timothy Roberts both from Data Vizioner will talk about “Self-service BI Fear Factors“
- Saba Tavakolinejad from Microsoft will talk about “The WHY behind the danger of AI“
- Jim Buchan from AUT will talk about “Is the future of Tech a big horror story?“

When and where:
- Date: Thursday, 31 October 2019
- Time: 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
- Venue: AUT Conference Centre (WA224), AUT – WA Building, 55 Wellesley Street East, Auckland
- We will have 3 amazing talks
- Q&A sessions after each talk and
- Networking and team building session
- Please refer to the table below for more information
Our amazing sponsor and collaborators:
- Techtorium | New Zealand Institute of Information Technology
- Auckland University of Technology | AUT
- Otago Polytechnic AIC
- Massey University
- Unitec
- GridAKL
- Limited seats available so hurry and book yours now!
- Registration required.
- Attendance is free!
- Snacks and beverages will be provided
Follow us on:
- Website: https://techtalk.org.nz/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLyNt7-JrM4wky6_mellFzw
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/techtalknz/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/techtalknz/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechTalk_Nz
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/techtalknz/