TechTALK #1
Discover Emerging Technologies
Auckland, NZ
Sep 27, 2018
6PM - Greetings, networking and refreshments 6:30PM - Opening speech 6:35PM - Navigating uncharted Cryptocurrency Terrain | Geofrey RaineyDive into the world of a blockchain-based startup with explanations of the concepts and technology along the way 6:55PM - The Future of Testing | Ari RajaveluPast, Present and Future of the evolving Testing domain. The pressure to deliver quickly new innovative applications for new channels is increasing. What does the future look like? Do we have the capabilities, resources, power to accelerate and shape the future of testing? 7:15PM - How your brain activity can be measured and understood? | Zohreh & Maryam DoborjehIn this talk, Maryam and Zohreh will demonstrate a live demo on recoding the brain activity using EEG, which is a method for measuring the cortical activity via a number of electrodes attached to the scalp and connected to a computer interface system. Then, one of the most promising recent trends of AI machine learning will be introduced to map the space and time information of the brain data into a 3-dimensional reservoir of artificial spiking neurons for learning, visualisation, classification and pattern recognition.