TechTALK #26
Transformative Power of Technology in Education and Career Development
Auckland, NZ
Apr 4, 2023
In 2023, A.I is changing the education landscape by the day. The emergence of new and game changing technologies such as ChatGTP shake up the foundations of the education system. In this TechTALK, we discuss bring in he experts, to discuss the boons and busts of this technology on the education and career development system.
We are proud to announce the 26th TechTALK seminar (hybrid event) as below:
When and where:
Date: Tuesday 4th April 2023
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Venue: 4th Floor, 20 Symonds Street, The University of Auckland, CBD Auckland
TechTALK 2023 Theme: Smart learning
Event Special Theme: The transformative power of technology in education and career development
Speakers: We have four amazing speakers and panel members with both industry and university backgrounds:
James Tizard | Research and teaching fellow at the University of Auckland
Jade Tang-Taylor | Innovation director at academEX
Eghbal Ghazizadeh | Cyber security manager at Mercury
Henry Williams | Senior research fellow at University of Auckland
Event Hosts:
Colart Miles
Masoud Shakiba
About TechTALK:
TechTALK’s mission is to help to close the STEAM skills shortage gap! We do this through various activities, including planning tech-centric events with multiple speakers followed by networking sessions, running industrial workshops, and collaborating with other organisations to enhance learning and development. We want to increase the technical knowledge level of everyone in New Zealand and all around the world.
Our Sponsors
University of Auckland - Engineering
University of Auckland
Newmarket Innovation Precinct - NIP