TechTALK #14

Data, Knowledge and Insight

Auckland, NZ

Mar 30, 2021

Digital Lean: Enhance Organisational Performance with Industry 4.0 – Data, Knowledge and Insight.

About us:

TechTalk’s mission is to help to close the STEAM skills shortage gap! We do this through a variety of activities, including planning tech-centric events with multiple speakers followed by networking sessions, running industrial workshops, collaborating with other organisations to enhance learning and development. We want to increase the technical knowledge level of everyone in New Zealand and all around the world.

This year we are partnering with IMS Projects and TechAdemy to take TechTalk2021 to the next level, adding a series of TechPlus workshops and focusing on the theme of “Digital Lean: Enhancing Organisational Performance with Industry 4.0”.

Event Info:

We are proud to announce the 14th TechTalk seminar (Hybrid mode) as below:

Theme: Digital Lean: Enhance Organisational Performance with Industry 4.0.

Specific Sub-theme: Data, Knowledge, and Insight.

When and where:

  • Date: Tuesday, 30th March 2021

  • Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Time Zone: UTC+12 Auckland)

  • Venue (Physical): Techtorium, Level 4, 182 Broadway, Newmarket, NZ

  • Venue(Virtual – YouTube Live Stream):

Our Amazing Speakers:

  1. Carmen Vicelich | Global CEO at Valocity

  2. Dr. Lehan Stemmet | Director at DWI & President of Auckland Institute of Study

  3. Michael Tapp | Director at CYMA

  4. Mark Singh | CEO at Kaptura

  5. Colart Miles | Master of Ceremony at TechTalk

TechPlus Workshop

As promised, this year we are partnering with IMS Projects and TechAdemy to take TechTalk2021 to the next level, adding a series of TechPlus workshops.

We are excited to announce the TechPlus Workshops (a series of 6 relevant and connected but independent workshops) start on the same day as a pre TechTalk event at 3:00 pm host by Dr. Mehdi Shahbazpour.