TechTALK #20
Skills Required for Future Employment
Mar 31, 2022
In response to COVID-19 restrictions, we will run TechTALK #20 – Skills Required for Future Employment as an online event.
We are proud to announce the 20th TechTALK seminar as below:
When and where:
Date: Thursday, 31st March 2022
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Virtual Venue
TechTALK 2022 Theme: Reimagining our Future Together
Event Special Theme: Skills Required for Future Employment: Lessons we can learn from COVID Pandemic
Speakers: We have three amazing speakers and panellists with both industry and university backgrounds:
Michelle Ballard | Director at Grow Group
Robyn Kamira | Founder at Paua Interface
Susan Bennett | Head of School Unitec
Event Hosts:
Colart Miles
Masoud Shakiba
About us:
TechTALK’s mission is to help to close the STEAM skills shortage gap! We do this through various activities, including planning tech-centric events with multiple speakers followed by networking sessions, running industrial workshops, and collaborating with other organisations to enhance learning and development. We want to increase the technical knowledge level of everyone in New Zealand and all around the world.