Born in Whanganui and of Ngai Tahu descent, Daniel Harding has worked in the education sector for 10 years now. While he spent most of his younger life trying to get out of school. On his mother’s 45th birthday, at just 15 years of age, he left school and engaged in alternative education. At 25 he found himself back in the classroom as an adult student, shortly graduating and returning as the lead vocal consultant at the same polytechnic he studied in. It’s here Daniel’s teaching career was born. At 33, he completed his Bachelor of Education, majoring in Adult Education from Te Wānanga O Aotearoa and is the first to have completed a degree in his family. Daniel has now embarked on his journey to pursue a Masters in Professional Practice, where his focus is on integrating Te Aō Māori pedagogy into international learning spaces in Aotearoa, particularly in Information Technology. Daniel's passion for tech is lifelong. It stemmed from his sub-career in Music, when he recorded his first single Not up to you in his friend’s backyard, using IT skills he picked up from 2018 saw Daniel start as the newest tutor in the school of Business Technology at Vision College, within 12 months, he became the youngest Head of School. 2019 saw a change in direction with Daniel taking up the position as Head of Learning and Development at Aspire2 International.