John McDermott


Building a leading remote monitoring system for recreational boats using the latest generation of satellite technology. Connect with me to find out how this helps boat owners enjoy their boating time. I'm a leading advocate for IoT Applications and how these solutions can address needs in the physical world to improve performance, productivity and environment management. I am open for consulting and system development including product design and software coding for IoT applications including use of C, C++, Python and Dashboard development. I'm committed to helping others on their tech journey, so reach out to discuss any of the following: IoT technology solutions, business applications for IoT, business case analysis, project management and requirements scoping. With IoT such a broad topic it's valuable to think through approaches and options before committing to expensive projects. My career experience is with electronics, digital and software disciplines, particularly in telco/wireless systems and as a product manager and business manager. I have my own venture, BoatSecure that monitors boats remotely in marinas and on moorings. I also assist and support enterprises and entrepreneurs to realise their IoT technology vision. LinkedIn is for connecting like minded business people and I'd love to add people that I have common interests with.