Over the past 20 years I have helped some of New Zealand's leading technology companies commercialise their products more effectively, profitably scale, and create real value for their customers. My core expertise includes: - Product Development - Technology Commercialisation - Project Management and Knowledge Management Systems - Agile Practices and Processes - Product Data Management Software Engineering - The Rapid Learning Cycles Framework I have a deep background in product development process, project management, and business systems optimisation, and have worked inside such leading technology companies as Telecom, EDS, Navman, Tait Electronics and NextWindow. I founded Technology Systems and used my experience to transform and make-scaleable smaller companies such as AeroQual, Electronic Partners, PowerShield, Adherium and More4Apps as well larger companies such as Downer, IXOM and LIC Automation, using an in-business coaching model and project management to deliver product to market. I am the Rapid Learning Cycles Certified® Advisor for New Zealand and Australia through my affiliation with the Rapid Learning Cycles Institute. I have a Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with First Class Honors.